

The Texas Chain saw massacre has many movies; they are famous for being explicit and controversial.  The first movie is from 1974.
The plot from the 74 version is about a group of friends that is intercepted by a cannibals family,  that with lies achieve the group of friends get involved with them, so they can kill them.

The most important family member of the cannibals is Leatherface, he’s well known for use masks made of flesh, he is the antagonist and the most important character in the movie, because he’s based on Ed Gein, an American murderer.

Ed Gein has a alcoholic father, and his mother, Augusta, educated him for think that many things in the world are bad and all the women are prostitutes. That was a reason for Ed’strange mind
After his family died, Ed was accused of body snatching and he declared robbed nine graves, police will have found that Ed Gein make a “woman suit” made of women flesh, so he can “transform in his mother”. After that, Gein admitted kill Mary Hogan. 

Ed Gein made human skin masks too, a 16 year old boy said that Gein kept heads in is house, with this information the police will have investigated and confirm this event.
In July of 1984, Gein died in the Mendota Mental Healt Institute, by lung cancer. His grave is frequently vandalized because the gravestone is see as a “sourvenir”.


One of the scariest movies created is based on a real exorcism, but first you have to know the plot of the movie.

The Exorcist is about the Chris MacNeil’s daughter, Regan, she plays with a Ouija board, after that, she starts acting weird, like strange noises and abnormal movements, making obvious she has been possessed.
C hris worries about Reagan and she send her to a hospital, but the doctors will haven’t found a disease.
A detective, interviews Damien Karras, a priest who lost his faith in God when his mother died.
At first, Damien refuses exorcise Regan, but then he visits the MacNeil’s house and the demon manifest on the girl’s body, so Karras changes his mind and decides to perform the exorcism.
So, now you’ll read the “Roland Doe” or “Robbie Manheim” case. Roland Doe and Robbie Manheim are pseudonyms give it to the exorcised boy.
Roland’s aunt, Harriet, introduced him to the Ouija board.
When Aunt Harriet dies, the Roland’s family start experienced strange noises, things moving an objects levitating. By that, the family contacts for help a Lutheran pastor, Luther Miles Schulze.  After Robbie expend one night with Luther, he says that they have to see a Catholic priest.
Despite all strange things and manifestations, at this time, professionals keep doubting about the veracity of this case.



On chilly nights in Mexico City, when the wind wails on the street corners or whispers at the rejas of your window, the old crones tell you this story...


The year 1807 in the city of Puebla de los Angeles, New Spain, now known as Puebla, a city of Mexico. All the inhabitants had heard his name and of course the legend: The Nahualá very was feared by Puebla, sin Import age or gender.